Trending Programming Tips
Scala week 3
8 responses
scala, coursera
Launch a file from Finder
Marin Usalj
1 response
mneorr, osx, hotkey
CSS transition and animation callback in JS
Stevo Perisic
0 responses
css, callback, js, animations
tab completion in Python interpreter
Manas Singh
0 responses
python, osx
MixItUp animated filtering and sorting
Mahmoud El Ghandour
0 responses
jquery, css, filter, animated
Git Fetch as alternative to Git Pull on shared hosting
Antonin Januska
3 responses
git, shared hosting, github
Exploring functions in the Chrome Dev tools
Stuart Knightley
2 responses
chrome, functions, webkit, javascript
AsciiDoc source code block shorthand
Dan Allen
0 responses
code, syntax, asciidoc
Use RVM with chruby
Michal Papis
0 responses
ruby, rvm, chruby
Adding time interval to timestamp column
Bashir Eghbali
0 responses
sql, postgres, rails
Comment out multiple lines in erb
2 responses
ruby, rails, erb
CSS responsive square (height: width;)
Netzach IO
1 response
css, responsive, hack, square
Useful resources for iOS developers
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
ios, frameworks, objc, iphone
Reset a lost password on an Ubuntu VM
Matt Gauger
7 responses
linux, sysadmin, vmware, ubuntu
Honest work...
Nicole Moore
1 response
languages, time, knowledge, hard work
Deb package surgery
Richard Nghiem
0 responses
deb, debian
Get your linux distribution
Sébastien Quioc
7 responses
python, linux
Collecting a website recursively into a single PDF
Martin Naumann
1 response
shell script, wkhtmltopdf, martin-n, pdftk
Showing "loading" in Meteor
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
meteor, javascript
Add some git powered muscle to your project I
Rob Jens
0 responses
diff, vim, source, management
Use inotify to respond to filesystem events
Spencer Williams
0 responses
ruby, python, linux, java
apt-get ruby2
Alex Gibson
0 responses
ruby, debian, ubuntu, ruby2
List available fonts in iOS
Junior B.
0 responses
ipad, iphone, objective-c, ios
Pretty format XML in Vim
Marcin Kulik
4 responses
vim, xml