Trending Programming Tips
7 Tips for new node.js users
10 responses
nodejs, async, javascript
Include custom HTTP header for each request
Daniele Napolitano
1 response
http, symfony2
Font Smoothing in Firefox (Mac)
Ram Ratan Maurya
0 responses
css, firefox, webkit
Save UIImage to Desktop on iOS Simulator
0 responses
cocoa, simulator, ios, uiimage
From has_scope to virtus form objects
Marcin Naglik
1 response
ruby, rails, has_scope, virtus
Adding Console2/ConsoleZ to folder context menus
7 responses
menu, windows, context, registry
How not to rm yourself
Sindre Sorhus
0 responses
shell, cli, command, remove
Stop making aliases to change directories
Andrew Thal
2 responses
alias, cd, directory, bash
tmux - same command for all panes in window
0 responses
tmux, synchronize
The prototype is your friend (if you care about perf)
Dan Tao
17 responses
performance, prototype, javascript
Putting everything together - Free tools for startups
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
startup, web development, deployment, integration
DevOps / Server Administrator / AWS Expert
Lief Jill Colegado
0 responses
aws, devops, cloud, lamp
Using Amazon S3 in a Node.js application
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
0 responses
s3, workflow, amazon, icedcoffeescript
Real-time collaborative editing
Dmitry Tsoy
0 responses
sublime, emacs, vim, collaboration
The PHP Type System can Shoot you in the Leg
Ralph Meier
2 responses
php, lessons learned
Run a subprocess and connect to it with golang
Murphy Randle
1 response
connect, golang, subprocess
Simple and Short Test: Memcached and Redis
Hafiz Badrie Lubis
2 responses
redis, performance, memcached
How to do a personalisable error on your Website
0 responses
php, css, apache, error
Upgrade your Clients
Chris Albrecht
5 responses
chrome, firefox, internet explorer, client
CSS :not is Awesome
Jack Lukic
0 responses
css, html, ui, design
Start Bootstrap - Free HTML Starter Templates for Bootstrap 3
Start Bootstrap
2 responses
css, html, open source, bootstrap
Send emails via Amazon SES with Bash and cURL
Bruno Coimbra
9 responses
shell, curl, bash, amazon ses
pocket-octopress for parsing pocket links to posts
0 responses
ruby, octopress, links, pocket