Using Amazon S3 in a Node.js application
If you're using Node.js to build "generic" web projects (like this one), chances are that you are going to need to process and store user-uploaded images at some point.
While ImageMagick works perfectly on most PaaS providers, usually the "local" filesystem space is volatile, so you have to come up with your own space/strategy to store images or other type of user-generated assets. There are, of course, fully-featured image management solutions in the cloud - Cloudinary being perhaps the best known at the moment.
But if you're after a really cheap (yet very reliable) alternative, you should take a look at the classic Amazon S3. There are quite a few Node.js modules out there and I've tried some of them, but in the end I ended up working with aws-sdk, the "official" one.
Although I was initially a bit put off by their verbose documentation style, in the end I found it to be quite easy to use.
You can configure it like this (IcedCoffeeScript code):
aws = require 'aws-sdk'
env = process.env
accessKeyId: env.S3_KEY
secretAccessKey: env.S3_SECRET
region: env.S3_REGION
s3 = new aws.S3
And here's a sample method to upload a local (temporary) file:
exports.upload = (tempFilePath, callback) ->
fileName = path.basename tempFilePath
await fs.readFile tempFilePath, defer err, data
return callback err if err
Bucket: env.S3_BUCKET
Key: "pictures/#{fileName}"
ContentType: 'image/jpg'
CacheControl: 'max-age=31536000' # 1 year
Body: data
, defer err
return callback err if err
await fs.unlink tempFilePath, defer err
callback err
Not exactly rocket-science, is it?...