Newest Zsh Programming Tips
Select & Install python versions easily with fzf + pyenv
James Cuzella
0 responses
python, pyenv, fzf, fuzzy-find
EC2 Completion using AWS CLI, fzf, and zsh
0 responses
zsh, fzf, ec2, aws
Ubuntu snap apps disappeared from my launcher
0 responses
ubuntu, zsh, snap
Storing secrets in the macOS keychain
2 responses
macos, apple, keychain, configuration
List all of your aliases with one meta-alias
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Trimming standard output with tr command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Trimming standard output with tr command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Reusing previous command argument in new command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, zsh, bash
Substituting last command argument in zsh
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Substituting last command argument in zsh
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Store your private data inside a git repository
0 responses
bash, zsh, git
See the git status of a directory tree
0 responses
git, bash, shell, zsh
Oh My ZSH theme
Davy Dovanton
0 responses
shell, zsh
Duplicate (~ "copy") a symlink on Unix
Peter Vandenberk
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Updating the PATH on the OSX CLI
Jinn Koriech
0 responses
shell, zsh, osx, profile
iTerm Colors Settings | bold text has no color / is in shades of grey
Shashank Mehta
0 responses
shell, zsh, colors, solarized
Dead simple pastbin service for programmers, pipe terminal commands, use files, images etc
Victor Bjelkholm
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, curl
Alias to automatically git push --set-upstream
Griffin Smith
0 responses
shell, zsh, git, alias
pbcopy on Ubuntu/Linux
Jason Yost
0 responses
zsh, bash
Create parent working directory with date
0 responses
shell, zsh, zstat
Shell: Print any column using awk fast
0 responses
fish, bash, zsh, awk
Display all commands offered by your installed oh-my-zsh plugins.
Prateek Agarwal
0 responses
zsh, oh-my-zsh, plugins
gh: grep here
Thom Nichols
0 responses
bash, zsh, cli
Use `name` from Package.json to Abbreviate ZSH Path Name
Alex LaFroscia
0 responses
zsh, package.json, name, agnoster
Most Viewed This Month
Keep your feature branch up to date.
Dave Griffiths
zsh, productivity, git, bash
How to kill background or suspended shell job?
Adam Stankiewicz
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Customize terminal with oh-my-zsh
eranga bandara
shell, zsh, terminal, osx
zsh + iTerm2 OSX shortcuts
Tymon Tobolski
shell, zsh, osx, shortcut
Commandline JSON Pretty Print everywhere
Luis Nell
python, shell, zsh, vim
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