Popular Windows Programming Tips
Install Node.js on Mac OS X and Windows
Abhijeet Sutar
0 responses
node, mac, javascript, nodejs
Windows Batch Script to recursively copy files
0 responses
batch, cmd, recursive, windows
Puppet Module to run a custom PowerShell script.
Jorge Medina
0 responses
powershell, puppet, windows
[Windows] Search for Java installation in registry using BATCH script
Harshad Kale
0 responses
windows, registry, java_installation
Unlikely coding a VBScript posting to a rest api
Thomas Cremers
0 responses
http, restful, vbscript, windows
web.config for Symfony 2 on WebMatrix 2 (IISExpress)
Lennart Melzer
0 responses
php, symfony, iis, webmatrix
The Perfect Brew
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
open source, linux, mac, coffee
Creating .gitignore file through command line on Windows
Rafael Kiyohiro Une
0 responses
command line, git, windows
Speed Up Grunt (with Livereload)
0 responses
grunt, livereload, windows, grunt-watch
xrdp for convenient X remoting on windows
Andrew Paulin
0 responses
linux, ssh, windows, rdp
The Best Way To Optimize Images
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, css, open source
Multiple output types from Visual Studio
Adam Hewitt
0 responses
csharp, visual studio, windows
Work in a Linux-like Terminal on Windows
Brandon Anzaldi
1 response
linux, tips, tricks, windows
How to use ENV vars in Windows Powershell
Arnaud Meuret
0 responses
powershell, env, windows
Tools for getting things done (on Windows)
David Higgins
1 response
tools, productivity, windows, programs
Resque on Windows
Brian Krygsman
3 responses
ruby, resque, windows, vegas
Get rid of the annoying Azure Emulator ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED errors
Pure Krome
0 responses
azure, windows, internet-settings, azure-emulator
Friendly Virus Reminder
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
linux, mac, spam, virus
Oh My Cygwin
haithem bel haj
0 responses
terminal, oh-my-zsh, windows, cygwin
Installing EventMachine on Windows 7 x64 running with Ruby 2.0 64
Felipe De Boni
1 response
ruby, eventmachine, windows
Run rapidly dev-mongodb with batch file under windows
Kornél Mergulhão Novák
0 responses
batch, mongodb, windows
Run Jena Fuseki as a Service on Windows
#5 Robsta
0 responses
service, java, windows, jena
Reverse an Array in Windows Batch
John Bevan
0 responses
script, batch, array, windows
Connecting a Domain to a Subdirectory
Alan Hardman
0 responses
web, apache, internet, server