Joined July 2012
The worlds most awesome proxy pac file!
Pure Krome
0 responses
proxy, wpad, pac
How to find out which MS Sql Indexes are fragmented
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, sql-server, index, ms-sql
Bulk-Adding Endpoints to an Azure VM
Pure Krome
0 responses
azure, azure-vm, azure-virtual-machine, endpoint
How to unit test an async/await method in .NET
Pure Krome
0 responses
.net, tasks, unit-testing, c#
NLog settings for LogEntries
Pure Krome
0 responses
logging, iis, .net, c#
Gotcha: Drawing shapes on Maps gives me the complete opposite results to what I want
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql-server-2012, geospatial, ring-orientation
Server side Spatial clustering with C#
Pure Krome
0 responses
spatial, c#, net, spatial-clustering
Testing SOAP endpoints in Windows
Pure Krome
0 responses
testing, soap, wcf, visual-studio
Azure VM Pro Tips
Pure Krome
0 responses
azure, sql-server, vm
Exporting/Importing from a Microsoft Sql Server table
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql-server, microsoft, import, export
Sql Server Geography shape that is accidently covering the entire planet!
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql-server, geography, sql-server-2012, ring-orientation
Exporting/Importing a Document Collection from RavenDb
Pure Krome
0 responses
.net, ravendb, c#
Resetting a Sql Server Identity column (manually)
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, sql-server
Get rid of the annoying Azure Emulator ERROR_WINHTTP_AUTODETECTION_FAILED errors
Pure Krome
0 responses
azure, windows, internet-settings, azure-emulator
Update -all- .NET code files to have CRLF end of file markers
Pure Krome
3 responses
powershell, .net, c#, crlf
Splitting up your GeographyCollection's into seperate Polygons in Sql Server 2012 [Part 2 of 2]
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, sql-server, geography, sql-server-2012
Splitting up your GeographyCollection's into seperate Polygons in Sql Server 2012 [Part 1 of 2]
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, geography, sqlserver, spatial
Importing a Shapefile into Sql Server 2012
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql-server, geography, sql-server-2012, geospatial
Gotcha: Windows Azure Message Queue - 400 Bad Request
Pure Krome
3 responses
.net, c#, windows-azure, windows-azure-storage
Common ASP.NET MVC controller mocking scenarios
Pure Krome
0 responses
mock,, c#, mocking
HTML Input box to fire off some Javascript when the enter key is pressed
Pure Krome
0 responses
jquery, html, javascript
ASP.NET MVC 'No Parameterless Constructor' can be a misleading error
Pure Krome
0 responses
.net, ioc,, dependency-injection
Percentage of a shape that exist within another shape in Sql Server 2008/2012
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, sql-server, shapefiles, geography
Determining the 'closest' centre point for a shape in Sql Server 2012
Pure Krome
0 responses
sql, sql-server, shapefiles, geography
658 Karma
76,050 Total ProTip Views
Lemmings 100
Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project
Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
Forked 20
Have an established project that's been forked at least 20 times
Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else
Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need
Lab 3
Have at least three original repos where C# is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language