Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Vim: Extract Issue Id from Branch Name in Commit Message
Raffael Schmid
0 responses
commit message, vim, jira, git
Make vim's ':e' work in your terminal
Chisel Wright
2 responses
vim, chiselwright, bash
Beginner's Vim: Control your swap files
Tanja Pislar
3 responses
vim, beginner
Copy yanked text to vim command line
Colin Wood
1 response
vim, yanking, copying into command line
Vim: Keep text selected after indentation.
Nick Larson
2 responses
vim, indentation
Tabbing in gvim
Kristian Lewis Jones
1 response
vim, vimrc, gvim
Google search a word before adding it to a Vim spell file
Keith Pinson
0 responses
vim, spelling, spell-checking, vim-g
Xcode + VIM = ❤️
Christian Sampaio
0 responses
cocoa, ios, xcode, vim
Vim redraw shortcut
Julian Churchill
0 responses
vim, tmux
Use Vi Commands for your Terminal
Eric Raio
0 responses
zsh, terminal, vim, bash
Four useful zsh aliases for rails projects
Ivan Zarea
0 responses
shell, rails, zsh, vim
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
vim, plugin, gist
Update a pip requirement with ViM
Colin Wood
0 responses
vim, django, pip, requirements
Abort Git commit in Vim
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
vim, git
Vim paste mode or how to avoid paste autoformat
Marín Alcaraz
0 responses
vim, remap, indent, paste