Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Open all unstaged and untracked source files in vim tabs
0 responses
shell, vim, awk, git
Sublime Text for Vim users
Thiago Pontes
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sublime text, vim, editors
Do Math in VIM
Rahim Sonawalla
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Speed up Vim + Ruby when using rbenv
Mariusz Cieśla
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ruby, vim, rbenv
vim: Search, copy and paste to another file
Sajnikanth Suriyanarayanan
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vim, search, copy, paste
Map § to <Esc> in vim for tiny MacBooks
Tom Lea
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vim, macbook air
Add a vimperator command for 'verbatim' Google results
0 responses
javascript, google, firefox, web
Quickly ack, open and search for a term
Vincent Driessen
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shell, fish, vim, unix
Load a random theme every time you load VIM
1 response
color, vim, vimrc, random
Train Yourself and Ban the arrow keys
Allan MacGregor
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shell, vim, programming
Vim: 'errorformat' setting for JSON syntax checker
0 responses
vim, json, chef
VIM IDE for Python programmers
Thiago Avelino
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python, vim, avelino0
'sudo' after opening the file
Rajeev N Bharshetty
1 response
rails, vim, tip, vimrc
Create cscope tags file
Jeff Li
0 responses
vim, tools, cscope