Popular Vagrant Programming Tips
Vagrant: caching omnibus chef package
Dmitry Ivanov
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vagrant, chef, omnibus, vagrant-cachier
Coderwall is live on Assembly
Mike Hall
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ember.js, ruby, rails, coderwall
node.js proxy server, useful for vagrant and local dev
Sean Macdonald
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proxy, dev, vagrant, subdomain
Vagrant for the meek
Victor Prechtel
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shell, vagrant, provisioning, duhtip
Vagrant dying due to Faraday gem
Jonathan Werrett
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osx, vagrant, berkshelf, faraday
Complete Python Dev Environment
Anthony Nyström
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python, puppet, vagrant, vm
Vagrant NFS mount timed out
Kevin Simper
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vagrant, nfs
VirtualBox Vagrant Box to Gitian VM
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virtualbox, vagrant, virtualization, gitian
Testing Chaos with Automated Configuration Management solutions
Abhishek Kumar
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puppet, configuration, automation, testing
Developing Ruby on Rails on Windows
Manuel van Rijn
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ruby, rails, ror, vagrant
Vagrant Flexible
Miguel Ramos
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php, django, vagrant
如何在 OSX 安裝 Vagrant 開啓 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit 虛擬環境
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osx, virtualbox, vagrant, ubuntu
start rails server vagrant
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rails, rails server, server, host
MySQL server installation with custom password in Ansible
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mysql, vagrant, server, password
Password-less vagrant NFS share
Michal Bryxí
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macosx, vagrant, nfs
Shell script to install Zend Framework 1
Luiz Gustavo Gavinho
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php, vagrant, zendframework
Vagrant, use nfs if available
Markus Perl
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vagrant, vagrant nfs, vagrant windows, vagrant mac
How to make ey-local works with Mysql and Unicorn
Pierre Ozoux
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mysql, engineyard, unicorn, opensource
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virtualbox, vagrant, mount
SSH to Vagrant VM
Gareth Rees
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Desenvolvimento PHP com Vagrant
Rogerio Prado de Jesus
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php, vagrant, tdc, tdc2012
Ssh and scp into a Vagrant box
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vagrant, scp
vagrant를 잘 활용하고 있지만 docker를 활용할 그날을 기다리며...
Daekwon Kang
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vagrant, think, seminar, docker