Popular Vagrant Programming Tips
Lost, a Vagrant LEMP box on steroids
Santiago Gil
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php, mysql, nginx, vagrant
Starting with Vagrant, Node JS, Express, Mondo DB, Heroku
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
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heroku, express, mongodb, vagrant
Benchmarking PHP: Variable Transport Methodologies
Dan Hanly
3 responses
php, vagrant, variables, benchmark
Vagrant on Ubuntu 12.10 / DNS
Christoph Lühr
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vagrant, dns, resolver, ubuntu
Manage Vagrant plugin dependencies with Vundler
Fabio Rehm
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bundler, vagrant
rbenv: [binary-name]: command not found
James D
1 response
gem, vagrant, rbenv
Fabio Rehm
0 responses
RDP-server on Vagrant box
Andrei Subbota
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vagrant, rdp
Speed up Vagrant boxes provisioning with vagrant-cachier
Fabio Rehm
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cache, vagrant
Starting a django dev server that is externally accessible
Bayard Randel
2 responses
python, django, vagrant
Configure Vagrant provisioning visually
Boris Staal
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ruby, vagrant
Manage Vagrant instances with Fabric
Rui Carmo
0 responses
python, vagrant, fabric
Debugging Magento inside a Vagrant Box
Sebas Po
0 responses
debug, magento, vagrant, virtual box
Virtualização do Ambiente de Desenvolvimento com Vagrant
Mario Rezende
0 responses
development, virtualbox, vagrant, vm
Testing Chef on Multiple Environments using Vagrant
Emil Soman
0 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Custom Vagrant Cloud Box Host
1 response
vagrant, vagrant cloud, custom vagrant box host
Monkey patch mysql recipe for using with chef solo
Cedric Dugas
0 responses
mysql, vagrant, chef
Basic Vagrant dev. environment
Jeroen Seegers
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github, puppet, git, development
Grunt server + Vagrant: Port forwarding & IPs
Steffan Harries
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web, vagrant, server, localhost
Use public dhcp network in Vagrant
Vedanta Barooah
0 responses
vagrant, dhcp, network, public ip
Vagrant + puPHPet provision shell scripts execution order
Andrea Collet
0 responses
vagrant, puphpet, shell
A script to scp file to a Vagrant box on OS X
1 response
vagrant, scp
Puppet labs ubuntu vagrant boxes have locale well configured
Victor Castell
0 responses
puppet, automation, vagrant, ansible
Oneliner to upgrade Virtualbox guest addition in Vagrant
Bruce Wang
0 responses
virtualbox, vagrant
install docker in a vagrant box
Achim Rosenhagen
0 responses
vagrant, lxc, docker