I am a freelance web developer. I hack on PHP, Javascript, MongoDB, Neo4j, and all the fun AWS services. I enjoy building cloud architectures. My cat's name is Foo (obviously)
Joined July 2013
node.js proxy server, useful for vagrant and local dev
Sean Macdonald
0 responses
proxy, dev, vagrant, subdomain
find and delete files matching a regex pattern
Sean Macdonald
0 responses
shell, regex, find, bash
creating a jailed SFTP users on Debian
Sean Macdonald
2 responses
openssl, debian, ubuntu, sftp
one liner to give yourself access to a dir
Sean Macdonald
0 responses
bash, permissions, acl, setfacl
65 Karma
4,081 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need