Popular Tools Programming Tips
creating a self-extracting-archive installer script
Gino Lucero
2 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
Retrieve your Sublime Text 2 Licence Key
Andrew Cairns
1 response
sublime, mac, sublime text 2, key
Transparent socks proxy in bash
Richo Healey
0 responses
proxy, socks, bash
Handle a git merge conflict
Connor Leech
0 responses
git, github
capistrano + ftp only hosting provider
Janez Troha
3 responses
capistrano, ftp, git
MOTDs on Amazon AMIs
4 responses
ec2, sysadmin, motd, amazon ami
Installing RabbitMQ In Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ivanhcsim, java, ubuntu, rabbitmq
Using Vim with fish shell
Dmitry Medvinsky
4 responses
fish, vim, bash
Django and Sublime Text 3
Manuel Morales
2 responses
sublime text, linux, django, management
Prevent Windows8 to register itself as default boot entry in UEFI systems
Gianluca Fiore
2 responses
linux, windows8, windows, uefi
git on Mountain Lion
Lars Schwegmann
3 responses
mountain, xcode, mac, lion
iterm2 autocomplete
Huy Nguyen
2 responses
shell, autocomplete, iterm2
Delete all indices in your Elastic Search cluster
Daniel Draper
1 response
elasticsearch, bash
Get first column data from CSV file with awk
Jose Miguel
0 responses
shell, commandline, awk, csv
Setting up a git daemon on Mac OS X
Jim Kinsey
0 responses
mac os x, git, launchd
VPS Configuration from scratch - Rails, Nginx, PostgreSQL.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
7 responses
rails, nginx, devops, vps
Backup DB with pg_dump to AWS S3
Bruno Coimbra
1 response
pg_dump, bash, aws-cli, backup
Ubuntu 12.04: Installing Apache2 + PHP5 + MySQL + phpMyAdmin
Sebastian Muszyński
2 responses
mysql, apache2, ubuntu, phpmyadmin
Github Atom Invites!
Rick Hanlon II
27 responses
beta, atom, invites, github
Crawling all URIs with wget and grep
4 responses
script, grep, wget, bash
macOS: Get battery percentage from command line
0 responses
macos, battery, power, terminal
git today — Quickly see what you've done today
Roberto Bonvallet
22 responses
git alias, git
Automated Update a Running Docker Container and CleanUP old Version of it!
Frank Lemanschik
1 response
image, deploy, update, production