Last Updated: February 17, 2021
· glucero

creating a self-extracting-archive installer script

First, tar and gzip the file(s):

tar -cvf archive.tar app_name/ ; gzip -9 archive.tar

Next, create the installer script (here's a basic one):

function die () { echo "Error!"; exit 1 }
cd ~/ || die

echo "Installing AppName to ~/app_name..."

The script will have to find the embedded archive. So, we'll find the line number with our "ARCHIVE:" marker:

archive=$(grep --text --line-number 'ARCHIVE:$' $0)

Then the script can tail the file (starting after ARCHIVE:) and pipe the tailed binary output to gzip, then tar. No temporary files are created.

tail -n +$((archive + 1)) $0 | gzip -vdc - | tar -xvf - > /dev/null || die

We have some post installation configuration in our sample application:

./app_name/bin/ || die

echo "Installation complete!"
exit 0

Don't forget to write the archive marker at the end of the script


Save the file as ""

Now we can add the archive to the installer:

cat archive.tar.gz >>

Make it executable:

chmod +x ./

All done!

2 Responses
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This looks nice, but unfortunately this is not working for me (trying this on openSUSE 15.2).
grep and tail fail with './ file not found'
I guess the script is not readable while it is executed.

over 1 year ago ·

Ok, I have found the 'cd ~/' does change the current dir and obviously the $0 parameter which is './' is not valid anymore.
I used 'ME=which "$0" to make the path absolute before the cd command is executed.

over 1 year ago ·