Popular Tools Programming Tips
PHP Mail Spoofing
Paul H.
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Gnome 3: How to Alt Tab windows on current workspace only
Peter Suschlik
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Dynamic variable name in bash
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Create a symlink in Puppet
Luc Bézier
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Disable Dictionary Definition shortcut key Mac OS-X
Joel Day
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Installing 'The Silver Searcher' on Ubuntu
Peter Golm
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Get a unix timestamp from bash
Robert Cuadra
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Using nmap to quickly ping all hosts in an address range
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How to skip making a build in Travis-ci
Tomasz Borowski
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Creating a 100mb file with dd
Oscar Del Ben
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Magical oh-my-zsh prompt
Andy Fleming
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How to uninstall Python 2.x on Mac OS
Yesi D
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Enable remote root login on Ubuntu safely
Janos Gyerik
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Install rabbitmq via docker in OS-X
eranga bandara
1 response
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Forwarding TCP-traffic to a UNIX socket
Max Claus Nunes
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iterating a hash in an ansible task
Ali-Akber Saifee
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jinja2, ansible
No password git push on bitbucket
jay mabazza
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git merge --squash
Tor Erik Linnerud
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Moving favorites from sequel pro ? Don't read the manual if you are using the last Sequel pro version
5 responses
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Connect to mysql through ssh tunnel from php
0 responses
mysql, ssh, php