Last Updated: November 26, 2020
· tomaszborowski

How to skip making a build in Travis-ci

Well, since you cannot cancel a build which is already waiting in a queue, you have to think about it before committing :-)

Travis-Ci a has nice feature which allows to skip making a build for certain push. Just add [ci skip] into your commit's message to let Travis-Ci know, that you do not want to perform tests for the next push.

Full example:

git commit -m 'documentation update [ci skip]'

It is very useful when you are working things unrelated to application's code, ie. documentation, styling, etc.


1 Response
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Thanks so much Tomasz, this was my saving grace after 5 days trying to get TravisCI to play along with me. You were my savior. I have added a vote to this issue on Github suggesting this be done in future on traving using an ignore_changes: condition which would make commit messages look nice without the [ci skip] message. But again THANK YOU !!!!

over 1 year ago ·