Last Updated: October 04, 2020
· itseranga

Install rabbitmq via docker in OS-X

How to install docker in OS-X

  • I have installed docker in my OS-X machine using boot2docker VM
  • Following is a detailed article that I have written regarding how docker works with boot2docer - Docker in OSX

Install rabbitmq

Search for rabbitmq

docker search rabbitmq
  • Following is the available images for rabbitmq


Pull rabbitmq image

docker pull rabbitmq:latest
  • This command will pull latest rabbitmq docker image to your computer

  • Things to notice

    1. rabbitmq image name
    2. latest tag of the image(latest image)
  • If you download rabbitmq from your own registry(private registry), you have to specifies the registry details with docker pull command

docker pull
  • Things to notice

    1. defines private registry host
    2. rabbitmq:latest defines rabbitmq image name and tag in the registry
  • Now following are my available docker images


Create a container from pulled image

docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672  --name rabbitmq
  • Things to notice

    1. -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 defines port forwarding
    2. --name rabbitmq defines name of the container
    3. -d allows to run container as a demon
    4. defines image name
  • Above command will creates a new docker container with name rabbitmq which can runs as a demon

Run rabbitmq

## start boot2docker
boot2docker up

## start rabbitmq container
docker start rabbitmq

Access rabbitmq from localhost

  • In above scenario we have to access rabbitmq via boot2docker ip, since docker installed in boot2docker vm

  • In order to access rabbitmq via localhost, you have to define port-forwarding rules with VBoxManage (since I have installed boot2docker VM via oracle virtual box)

## first need to down boot2docker
boot2docker down

## define port forwarding rule for port 15672
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "rabbitmq-port-15672,tcp,,15672,,15672"

## define port forwarding rule for port 5672
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "rabbitmq-port-5672,tcp,,5672,,5672"

## up boot2docker 
boot2docker up

## start rabbitmq 
docker start rabbitmq

Rabbimq configuration

  • When doing rabbitmq configurations you have to connect to rabbitmq container
  • Following command allows you to access /bin/bash on running container
docker exec -i -t rabbitmq bash
  • Things to notice

    1. exec execute command
    2. rabbitmq container name
    3. bash execute bash
  • Now you are inside the rabbitmq container


  • You can edit the rabbitmq configuration files to add more configurations
  • Following are some rabbitmq config files

Rabbimq log files

  • Log files are locatest in /var/log/rabbitmq
  • Following are some rabbitmq log files


1 Response
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Great article. It got me up and running with boot2docker and rabbitmq. I have one question... why do you have two sets of ports.. what is happening when you do -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672

over 1 year ago ·