Moving favorites from sequel pro ? Don't read the manual if you are using the last Sequel pro version
Sequel pro is a nice tool that allows you to create secure connexion to remote or local mysql database.
You can end up easily with tons of new connections to save and store. When moving from computer to an other one, or starting with a fresh install, you might want to use that.
The documentation from the main site is a part false, cause they told you to use :
which does not exist.
You can found very useful information here :
But please, if you really want to migrate your fav to your newly sequel installation use this file :
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sequel\ Pro/Favorites.plist
Enjoy !
Written by Gabriel
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5 Responses

thank you. its the same as selecting all favs in old sequel -> export to plist and import them in new sequel. but with both ways, the passwords are missing!!

you have to use the keychain for password, password are encrypted into it.

Looks like it has since moved into the Data folder just one level down. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks! Finally found the right way! And, yes, inside the Data folder.

In my case the path was
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sequel\ Pro/Data/Favorites.plist