Popular App Programming Tips
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
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Moving favorites from sequel pro ? Don't read the manual if you are using the last Sequel pro version
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3 IOS Homescreen Web App tips
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Add a root URL to all Backbone API request
Mark Wales
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app, api, backbone, module
Running Node.js Application on OpenShift with a filename other than server.js
Kyle Ross
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nodejs, node, file, app
How to get Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) if you are not a U.S. citizen
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mobile, app, phone, wp7
Submit IOS app to Apple App Store
Steven Iseki
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apple, app, cordova, ios
Control Phonegap Splash Screen hiding
Tiago Duarte
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mobile, web, app, phonegap
Handling events with Clojurescript Dommy
Tim Gluz
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Flexiglass and OSX Mavericks [FIXED]
Rick Hanlon II
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osx, mac, apple, app
Push to iPhone from Alfred
Franco Bouly
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How to detect Firefox web apps support in mobile
Ismael González
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Smart App Banner support for Drupal in iOS 6
Chris Charlton
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ios, drupal, ipad, iphone
How I jumpstarted a tech industry dating app from scratch
Jonathan Block
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Speed Up Site Development With Mixture
Allyson Beckers
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Our new app: Climatip
Juan Jose Alonso
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How to set up Cucumber
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Pomodoro Application (Java App)
Jorge García
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app, pomodoro
Emulation can never suffice real test results when it comes to mobile
Kevin Kelly
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WhatsApp on Ubuntu
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ubuntu, whatsapp, app
Starve. Beautiful and simple feeds.
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f.lux™ Better lighting...for your computer
Bob Williams
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Which Mobile App Platform First?
Lee Crossley
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android, mobile, iphone, app
Stock Icons
Josh Burns
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web, development, app, icons
Human friendly AppStore links
Karol S. Mazur
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ios, apple, app, appstore
Recent Activity
WhatsApp on Ubuntu
ubuntu, whatsapp, app
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
ruby, rails, app, postgres
How I jumpstarted a tech industry dating app from scratch
Jonathan Block
heroku, web development, app, dating
Submit IOS app to Apple App Store
Steven Iseki
apple, app, cordova, ios
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