Popular Test Programming Tips
Log the duration of a JUnit test
Philipp Krenn
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test, junit, jenkins, java
find unused cucumber steps definitions
bruno coelho
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ruby, rails, test, cucumber
JS: Convert price by any string to float
Eduardo Martines
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test, string, float, convert
RSpec + Carrierwave Controller test example
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, rails, rspec, carrierwave
test php unit private and protected methods
Marco Cervellin
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php, test, method, phpunit
Creating base64 test files
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, shell, test, unix
Free build server as a service for C#/.Net
Kasper B. Graversen
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.net, test, ci, unit test
Time traveling in cucumber
Sean Todd
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ruby, test, cucumber
Dummy authentication realm in Jetty XML
Carlo Sciolla
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test, security, authentication, jetty
Ruby on Rails: test logs output presence within Rails.logger (through Minitest too)
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ruby, test, logs, minitest
Display Test::Unit test names when running tests
Jorge Dias
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ruby, test, test unit, test names
Web page performance optimization with Audits
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chrome, test, performance, audits
minitest vs rspec
Shinichi Maeshima
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ruby, test
First timer, just a test
Eli Sklar
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In game console/REPL for faster test cycles
Alexander Brevig
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console, test, game development, repl
How to write vows nodejs tests with assynchronous topic
Fábio Lima Santos
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test, vows, nodejs, assynchronous
Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }
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ruby, rails, test, ror
Test your Ruby code with Pry
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, test
How to find bad commit using git
Vadym Zakovinko
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test, git, bisect, bad commit
Download and install IE 6, 7, 8, and/or 9 test stations with ease
Ali Karbassi
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test, ie, mac, browser
Test for real-world network speeds
Héctor Gómez
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xcode, osx, test, mac
Mask heterogenous test suites with cake
Adam Yanalunas
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nodejs, test, ci, cake
Just a Python Faker
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python, test, package, generator
be nice to your CI
Benjamin Knofe
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ruby, rails, test, ci
Debug a test case under a mavenized project
Marwen Trabelsi
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test, debugging, junit, maven