Popular Test Programming Tips
Build system tests through user interactions with your app
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, test, testing
Debug a test case under a mavenized project
Marwen Trabelsi
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test, debugging, junit, maven
Use Zeus to speed up your tests
Jelle Vandebeeck
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ruby, rails, test, gem
A .travis.yml for Symfony2 Bundle
Edoardo Rivello
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test, travis, github
Only ever test your objects' public API
Stuart Liston
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ruby, public, test, programming
Preflight check all projects using the free Microsoft SEO toolkit
Mark Rushworth
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test, testing, seo, check
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MiniProfiler - A simple and efficient performance test
Oswaldo Ferreira
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rails, test, performance, development
Swimming through maven failsafe-reports
Susana Cabaço
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test, maven, reports
Debug your factories
Ramon Roche
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rails, test, factorygirl, rspec
Testing your web project using jqUnit
Pulkit Goyal
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jquery, web, test, testing
test test
Jan Buschtöns
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SinonJs & QUnit timers
Alan Andrade
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tdd, test, javascript
Test responsive site - great tool
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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css, responsive, test
PHPUnit + Symfony1 one-liner
Oncle Tom
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test, symfony, unit-tests, phpunit
Easy Password Timeout Test
Sean Todd
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ruby, rails, test, user
Tomcat server with reporting coverage in realtime
Yoshitaka Kawashima
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java, test, tomcat
A quick test runner
Steven Shingler
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ruby, tdd, test
Share with all that doesn't test their code
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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php, test, fun, qa
Daniel Vampan
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Randomise variables for testing
Adam Bird
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ruby, test, spec
test your Ruby Regular Expressions
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ruby, regex, test
Benchapon Benchawan
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test, test2, test3
Test your site for responsive layout
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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responsive, test, tool, rwd
Run sorted test
Jorge García
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rails, test, rspec