Popular Template Programming Tips
Move over Bootstrap and Foundation, welcome Semantic UI
Nicholas Jordon
25 responses
php, css, html, open source
Angular - Directives: using a dynamic template
8 responses
dynamic, template, angular
Skeleton Code
Josh Burns
2 responses
code, development, framework, project
ansible list groups host belongs to in template module
Ramez Hanna
2 responses
template, jinja2, ansible, sensu
Bootstrap Scroller parallax template one page responsive wireframe
0 responses
responsive, bootstrap, template, scrolling
Add Empty Application Template Back
Isuru Nanayakkara
4 responses
xcode, template
Angular template-free tabs directive
Garrett Amini
0 responses
tabs, template, directive, angular
Make PhpStorm generated setter return $this
Steffan Harries
0 responses
php, code, phpstorm, template
C++ Erase elements from containers by indices
Nikos Athanasiou
0 responses
vector, index, stl, template
rawurlencode in Twig
Roger Thomas
2 responses
php, symfony, template, templating
Skeleton Daemon written in Bash
Shawn Patrick Rice
0 responses
shell, daemon, template, bash
jQuery performance: $(template) vs .clone()
Lars Jung
0 responses
jquery, template
Surrounding marked text with HTML tag in IntelliJ IDEA
Björn Kimminich
2 responses
editor, tag, ide, shortcut
Simple Template Renderer in php
Thomas Pannek
4 responses
php, template, twig, smarty
Meteor shorten string spacebar helper
2 responses
ui, meteor, template, javascript
node-email-templates render hack
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
node, email, template
Yet another Mobile First CSS Framework
0 responses
css, responsive, rails, html
Ace - HTML template engine for Go
Keiji Yoshida
0 responses
jade, slim, template, html
Javascript Template for Libraries
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
0 responses
javascript, library, template
Semantic templates with enlive and microdata
Aleš Roubíček
0 responses
microdata, template, html5, enlive
Creating the perfect coderwall background image
1 response
coderwall, image, template, background
Generate file with Play! framework template system
Deshayes Yann
0 responses
scala, file, play, template
CLI based project structure generator
Josh Burns
3 responses
shell, css, html, twitter
require-j: Client-side Jade with template inheritance
Mark Fayngersh
0 responses
plugin, jade, requirejs, client
MODX Revo Google+ Author Snippet
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
google, snippet, modx, author
Recent Activity
lodash mixin _.objectRange: Create an array of objects from template
Russell Dempsey
dynamic, mixin, array, object
Surrounding marked text with HTML tag in IntelliJ IDEA
Björn Kimminich
editor, tag, ide, shortcut
Add Empty Application Template Back
Isuru Nanayakkara
xcode, template
Make PhpStorm generated setter return $this
Steffan Harries
php, code, phpstorm, template
Angular - Directives: using a dynamic template
dynamic, template, angular
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