Last Updated: September 27, 2021
· pluckee

Skeleton Code

skeleton code is a term i coined to describe a basic layout of a project without any actual data but more than a blank template. For example a fresh install of the wordpress framework, has no userdata, no posts, no pages, no customized settings, nothing there is your skeleton for building your site.
however skeleton code dosent have to be just a fresh install for me it goes beyond that, i refer to a project as "In Skeleton Production Stage" when i have installed the framework set up the database, and customized the settings, as long as there is no content besides maybe a paragraph of lerm ipsum. that gives you an idea of what the site/app will look like

2 Responses
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I know what you mean - I tend to think in a similar manner. In fact, I too call the "base" framework+css/code 'template' and media collected for project the "skeleton", I kid you not. Great minds?

over 1 year ago ·

@skopp they do indeed think alike

over 1 year ago ·