Popular Shortcut Programming Tips
Language-aware code commenting in Sublime Text 2
1 response
sublime text, text editor, shortcut, comment
Windows Boss Key Combo
Rashaad Essop
3 responses
shortcut, windows7, bosskey, hide it all
Zip your Perl one-liners
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
perl, cli, oneliner, shortcut
Vim shortcut to remove brackets
Heng Low Wee
2 responses
vim, map, shortcut, nmap
Jump Between Words
Oscar Godson
3 responses
shell, terminal, shortcut, bash
Terminal: (Ctrl+a) go to first of line, (Ctrl+e) end of line
Kien Pham
2 responses
terminal, shortcut
Quickly setup a folder structure from the command line
1 response
shell, setup, shortcut, bash
Simplify management of multiple Git repos with SSH
Stephen Benner
0 responses
alias, ssh, shortcut, git
OSX shortcuts ⌥ + ← or → and ⌘ + ← or → in iTerm2
Rob Griffiths
0 responses
osx, shortcut, iterm, protips
"Jump to anything" with Sublime text
Felipe Elias Philipp
0 responses
sublime text, sublime, shortcut
Restore undo closed tab in sublime text
0 responses
sublime, tips, coding, shortcut
mkdir foo and immediately cd into it
0 responses
cd, shortcut, mkdir, bash
Chrome clear browser data shortcut
0 responses
chrome, cache, shortcut, data
Git beefy rebase and push alias
Murphy Randle
0 responses
zsh, git, alias, mac
Hidden VNC client in OS X
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh, terminal
Reopen accidentally closed tab in Chrome
2 responses
chrome, shortcut
X marks the spot
Mike Ballan
0 responses
photoshop, shortcut
Sublime: Start typing then TAB. Create tabTriggers
Diego Arcega
1 response
sublime, snippets, workflow, shortcut
My Git shortcuts for the bash
Beat Bolli
0 responses
alias, shortcut, bash
Find a file in a GitHub repo in a Sublime Text “⌘P” style
Matti Schneider
0 responses
navigation, shortcut, github
Create a New Gemset (Shorthand Syntax)
Kerem Bozdas
0 responses
ruby, rails, rvm, gemset
Sublime text shortcut to wrap text into an HTML tag
jonathan de montalembert
0 responses
sublime text, shortcut
Automatic Markup Indentation Shortcut - Sublime Text
Zain Syed
0 responses
sublime text, shortcut, automatic, reindent
Go "back" in bash
Oscar Godson
0 responses
shell, bash, terminal, shortcut
quick starting a ruby script
0 responses
ruby, script, shortcut, quick script