Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· skopp

Windows Boss Key Combo

Also known as the "I'm Admiring My Desktop Wallpaper and Icons. Problem?" maneuver named for what you appear to be doing when deploying this combo.

Often used when one is on Facebook. At work. And one's boss jumps up behind them from a hole said boss burrowed through the floor (one knows because the smell emitting from a source within a proximity value of about 10 cm from their left ear is unmistakebly said boss' breath.)

Just give the combo already

Okay, okay... it's

I'm not sure how well known this combo is, but I stumbled upon it by accident. Before this, I'd seen Boss-Key Combos for Firefox, Chrome, and many other apps. But this one is fast. Arguably more than any I've ever used. Maybe because it's built-in/native to Windows (only tried on 7, though).

3 Responses
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I know, deep inside, someone... somewhere will appreciate this. That is why I posted it. Respect.

over 1 year ago ·

A better way to do this is to use virtual desktops. (Google VirtuaWin) My work environment is set to Alt+1 and my "Play" environment is set to Alt+2 where I open the occasional social network, article or what have you.

It's a great option to keep everything absolutely separate and instantly hide windows as well as your tabs.

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks for the tip. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, though. I just happened to hit this combo by mistake, and it's native to Windows. Nothing to install. Like win+x (mobility centre), win+1,2,3 for the relevant taskbar elements, ctrl+shift+esc for taskman. win, then type cmd, enter for cmd prompt.

Also, I can't use my best protips first, now can I ? ;)

over 1 year ago ·