Popular Shortcut Programming Tips
Using new properties - identifying the right ones in the first shot without using search engines
Mohnish G J
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css, programming, coding, shortcut
jumping to URL section
Jonathan Pepin
0 responses
browser, shortcut
Photoshop zoom shortcuts
Sampsa Kuronen
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photoshop, shortcut
Add all missing imports in eclipse
Matt Munday
0 responses
eclipse, shortcut, imports
Vim shortcuts for Google Chrome
Daniel Puglisi
0 responses
chrome, vim, shortcut, movement
Git create and checkout branch
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
git, branches, shortcut
Combine git add and commit in one shortcut
Bernd Plontsch
0 responses
commit, shortcut, add, git
Use Chrome Search to jump to your repos
Peter Baker
0 responses
github, chrome, shortcut
Nesting Tasks and Projects in Omnifocus
Bernd Plontsch
0 responses
xcode, shortcut, omnifocus
Shortcut to preferences
Daniel George
0 responses
mac, shortcut, preferences
Jump To The Start And End Of A Line
Oscar Godson
0 responses
shell, terminal, shortcut, bash
Start a new Google Hangout with this URL
Lee Munroe
0 responses
google, hangout, shortcut, protip
Chrome Dev Tools + Inspect = Cmd+Shift+C
Simon Owen
0 responses
shortcut, inspect, chrome dev tools
Terminal Meta Goodness in iTerm
boB Rudis
0 responses
shell, bash, shortcut, iterm
Most Useful Bash Shortcut
0 responses
bash, linux, shortcut, useful
Back-search your bash history with CTRL+R
Andy Wild
0 responses
shell, history, shortcut, bash
VS Usefull new keyboard shortcuts
Ezeki Zibzibadze
0 responses
keyboard, visual studio, shortcut, window