Popular Shell Programming Tips
BASH brace expansion gone wild
Andy Walker
3 responses
shell, bash
Search your bash history
Maik Kulbe
2 responses
shell, cli, history, bash
Open files on stdout in Vim
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell, vim, command line, unix
Uninstall/Delete fishfish shell or upgrade to v2
Piermaria Cosina
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, bash
Scrapy + WP-CLI + Google Cache: Restore lost posts
0 responses
python, shell, terminal, wget
Run a Shell Script for the Duration in Unix
James Martin
0 responses
shell, unix, date, linux
Using bash? Check zsh out!!
Bob Williams
7 responses
shell, zsh, scripting, github
Remove all whitespace from a directory
David Kormushoff
4 responses
shell, vim, whitespace, timesaver
Make life faster - one letter aliases
Łukasz Niemier
2 responses
shell, aliases, git, life hack
BASH history tricks
Shawn Biddle
3 responses
shell, git, bash
Grabbing Your Local IP (Fish Shell)
Daniel Stocks
1 response
shell, fish, osx, ip
Get GitHub API oauth token with curl.
Jens Grassel
0 responses
shell, api, curl, oauth
The Pasteboard & the Command line (Mac OS X)
Thomas Kober
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
Special $ (dollar) shell variables
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
Weather report from Bash
Jeremy Frazao
1 response
shell, weather, bash
Recreate schema in PostgreSql
John Fragkoulis
0 responses
shell, postgresql
No more bundle exec with any shell
Hannes Georg
0 responses
ruby, bundler, shell, gems
Creating base64 test files
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, shell, test, unix
Prezto FTW
Laurent Goussard
2 responses
shell, zsh, term
Pretty git log with graph
Mike Street
1 response
shell, linux, git
Get reliably the absolute path of currently executed script
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Add Git branch information to bash prompt
Matt Hodges
3 responses
shell, bash, git
Safely Paste Multiple Lines into Your Terminal
Justin Force
0 responses
shell, paste, parentheses, multiple lines
Oh My ZSH theme
Luca Guidi
0 responses
shell, zsh
Easily install different Node versions with node-build
Will McKenzie
0 responses
shell, zsh, node, unix