Using bash? Check zsh out!!
Are you using bash? Yea, I used to also. Check out zsh (z shell) if you're a programmer like me. And more specifically oh-my-zsh!
Enjoy! :)
Written by Bob Williams
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7 Responses

Try fish, it awesomness beat ZSH twice.

A good video tutorial about some oh-my-zsh features:

Why the hating on bash? You don't actually present a single argument against it :/

Stop beeing such a dick about the shell of my choice!
If you just bash against something, without even presenting any arguments(no "ITS SOU MUCH BETTAAA!!!11eleven" ist not an argument!), nobody will even take you serious.
Also those kinda discussions are most of the time only religious debates. Bash 4 has many features and with the right tuning it's just another good shell like zsh. And don't tell me zsh is awesome out-of-the-box. I tried to configure it but there's like a gazillion options and after like 1/2 hour I just gave up and went back to my original shell setup with my petty-bash..
@richoh no hating...not comment against it...just saying check zsh out.
@mkzero really?!? didn't bash anything...recommended ppl check out zsh. It seems like your trying to start the religious debate.

@bobwilliams Maybe my words were a little harsh, but you have to admit, that your title "Stop using bash!!" suggests that it leaves no room of having an opinion of my own. ;)