Popular Shell Programming Tips
CLI based project structure generator
Josh Burns
3 responses
shell, css, html, twitter
Push to several remotes at once with git
Jupiter St John
1 response
shell, zsh, git, bash
rake tasks autocomplete
Vishnu Atrai
2 responses
ruby, shell, rake
Git compatible sshfs mount - mac os x
Joram Höfs
0 responses
shell, git, sshfs
ag vs. ack – performance booster for programmers
Wojtek Ryrych
1 response
shell, performance, ack, ag
Specific manual page for `bash` built-in commands
Antonio Vera
0 responses
shell, documentation, bash, cheat-sheet
.rvmrc file that creates gemset if non-existant
David Morrow
2 responses
ruby, shell, rvm, gemset
quickly start/stop virtualbox vm from the command line
Lemuel Formacil
0 responses
shell, bash, sh, virtualbox
Bash completion + bower completion on mac.
Rafał Malinowski
0 responses
shell, osx, bower, bash
Bang commands in shell
Alexander Greim
0 responses
shell, commands, bash
Fed up of Mac os "sed"
Pierre Ozoux
2 responses
shell, sed, mac os
Dealing with cyrillic comments in your code with iconv
Anton Stroganov
0 responses
php, shell, iconv, cyrillic
How to install Sphinx Doc and Create a new Project on OSX
0 responses
python, shell, osx, sphinx-doc
git = !git
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
shell, alias, lifehack, git
Shell function to add your public key to a remote machine via SSH
Jim Myhrberg
0 responses
shell, zsh, alias, ssh
Git - checkout previous branch easily
Anton Kalyaev
0 responses
shell, branch, cd, git
Find and kill a process using a particular port
Derryl Carter
0 responses
shell, shell script, port, bash
Calculate billable days from git logs
Dimitrios Mistriotis
3 responses
shell, git
Rerun your last terminal command
Mark Anthony Gibbins
2 responses
shell, terminal, iterm
bash brace expansion for less typing
Daniel Huckstep
0 responses
shell, console, terminal, bash
如何列出正在執行的 PHP Script Process
0 responses
php, shell, cmd, php process list
Case insensitive path completion in UNIX shells
Janos Gyerik
3 responses
shell, linux
An easy way to test php syntax in shell
2 responses
php, shell