Popular Scala Programming Tips
Update property value of immutable object while maintaining immutability
Jeroen Rosenberg
2 responses
scala, case class, mutability
Need To Mock ActorRef in Akka?
0 responses
scala, akka
Tooling the Reader Monad
Pierre Andrews
2 responses
scala, implicit, monad, reader
Adding Semantic to Base Types Parameters in Scala
Pierre Andrews
1 response
scala, type, semantic, code safety
Dependency Injection for Configuring Play Framework Database Connection(s) part 2
Pierre Andrews
3 responses
scala, dependency injection, play framework, monad
"Timer" in Scala
Alexandra Mirtcheva
0 responses
Scala @deprecated annotation
0 responses
scala, tags
CORS directive for Spray
Jose Raya
5 responses
scala, cors, spray
How to count instances of values in a Map
0 responses
scala, map, occurrences, histagram
My Emacs Scala Development Environment
0 responses
scala, emacs
Scala Code Coverage
1 response
scala, code-coverage
[Lift Web Framework] Minimal REST API Example
Brian Hsu
0 responses
scala, rest, lift web fraemwork, lift
Use pendingUntilFixed to disable specs temporarily
Iwein Fuld
0 responses
scala, specs2, unit-testing
Testing almost any code in browser
Joel Kirchartz
4 responses
jquery, ruby, python, clojure
Parsing Request Content in Finatra
RJ Zaworski
2 responses
scala, json, finatra, finagle
emacs + ENSIME for your scala coding
James Wu
3 responses
scala, emacs, sbt, ensime
Scala case class "reflection"
Eugene Ryzhikov
0 responses
scala, reflection
Scala with Spring MVC
Zoheb Sait
0 responses
scala, mvc, spring, spring security
Howto install scala in ubuntu from tar.gz
D Lisbona
1 response
scala, ubuntu
Catch InterruptedException in Scala with try{]catch{}, not scala.util.Try
Colin Dean
1 response
scala, interruptedexception, thread, sleep
Specs with Maven and Scala
David Sergey
0 responses
scala, bdd, junit, maven
Scala Option Cheatsheet
Eugene Ryzhikov
0 responses
scala, option
Don't use Future.firstCompletedOf with two futures for timeouts
Colin Dean
0 responses
scala, concurrency, timeout, future
Structural typing and type classes in Scala
Jordi Pradel
3 responses
scala, typeclasses
Generalizing the Reader Tooling, part 1
Pierre Andrews
0 responses
scala, monad, reader, typeclass