Popular Scala Programming Tips
Scala Salad Anti Pattern
1 response
scala, traits
Generalizing the Reader Tooling, part 2
Pierre Andrews
0 responses
scala, monad, reader, typeclass
Play 2 Javascript Router Setup in 4 Steps with Java
Matt Conroy
2 responses
scala, play, play2, java
Redis with Scala and Play framework
Mateusz Bednarski
0 responses
scala, redis, play framework
Scala Alias Pattern
0 responses
Prune multiple JSON branches with play-json
Jean Helou
0 responses
scala, play-json, transformers
Start learning node.js when your head is in Scala-land
Julie Pitt
1 response
scala, nodejs
How to handle WS.url with Exceptions.
0 responses
scala, play, playframework, play 2.1
Field constructor for Zurb Foundation on Play Framework 2
0 responses
scala, zurb foundation, play 2, play framework 2
Parsing JSON in Scala: Use Argonaut
0 responses
scala, btipling, json
Play! Frameworks Installation in Mac OSX
Ahmed Al-Hashimi
0 responses
scala, java, play!
Open-source Cloud Platform (*coming soon)
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
2 responses
ruby, scala, chef, knife
Use autocomplete input on Play! views
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
jquery, play framework, java, javascript
Compose play.api.concurrent.Promise and scalaz.Validation using Kleisli arrow
Tymon Tobolski
0 responses
scala, scalaz, play, playframework
Passing command line arguments in Scala REPL
Alexandra Mirtcheva
0 responses
scala, command line, repl
use IDEA for Progfun course @coursera
oleksii iepishkin
4 responses
scala, intellij, sbt, progfun
CsvReactiveIteratee - Scala and Play2
Fabrice Croiseaux
0 responses
scala, play2, iteratee, reactive stream
Don't use static
Kasper B. Graversen
5 responses
scala, .net, csharp, programming
Play2 Scala Reactive Mongo Capped Collections and Iteratees
Raúl Raja
0 responses
scala, heroku, mongodb, twitter api
[Scala] Building List From Current Max Value.
Brian Hsu
0 responses
scala, list, recursive
Chaining Akka actor receive() methods
0 responses
scala, akka, actors
Very simple Dependency Injection in Play applications
Jose Raya
0 responses
scala, play, playframework, dependency injection
We are hiring! Talented Java/Scala Team Lead and Senior Developers at Innova, Moscow, Russia
Eduard Gomolyako ツ
0 responses
scala, job, java, moscow
Play2! application.conf override based on environment
Raúl Raja
0 responses
scala, configuration, play2
scala Seq[Future] to Future[Seq]
Prayag Upd
0 responses
scala, async