Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Fix undefined method `per' error on Will_Paginate and ActiveAdmin
David Chua
5 responses
ruby, rails, active_admin, will_paginate
How to setup rails app on a mediatemple (dv)
Tom Caflisch
4 responses
ruby, rails, mediatemple, linux
Using retry to rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
Gabriel Cebrian
0 responses
ruby, rails, sql, rescue
Breaking nested loop, like each_slice with style
Enrico Carlesso
0 responses
ruby, break, loops, catch
Live linting of your code in sublime
Avner Cohen
1 response
ruby, sublime-text, javascript, nodejs
Rails 4 Facebook Applications
Tom Milewski
6 responses
ruby, rails, xss, facebook
Clean your Bundles
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, rvm
ActiveAdmin: batch actions for different scopes
Alexey Plutalov
6 responses
ruby, rails, active_admin
Conditional chaining of methods
Daniel Kosalla
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, namedscope
How to install Ruby on Rails on Windows
0 responses
ruby, rails, install, windows
Easy Environment or Config Override in Rails
Stephen Orens
0 responses
ruby, rails, config, env
Creating images from JSON in Rails
Ian Whitney
1 response
ruby, rails, imgkit
Ruby operators, names, aliases and uses
Adan Alvarado
0 responses
ruby, operators, operator names, operator symbols
Build Ruby 2.0.0-p0 on OS X using rbenv
eddie cianci
3 responses
ruby, osx, openssl, rbenv
Authenticating Rails Apps - Don't go it alone
Timothy Marks
13 responses
ruby, rails, auth
Vim command to convert variable into spec let(:var)
Christian Schlensker
0 responses
ruby, vim, code, minitest
Install rubies with Rbenv
0 responses
ruby, rvm, rbenv
Ruby: Converting date from one timezone to another
Matthew Riddle
0 responses
ruby, time, date, datetime
Pretty JSON for humans
Wynn Netherland
15 responses
ruby, api, json, ux
Using Pry with Rails 4 (with console helpers)
4 responses
ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
List only instance methods that you defined in a class
1 response
ruby, rashmi14yadav, class
Getting input from inside a Rake task
Justin Smestad
0 responses
rails, script, prompt, rake
Reading YAML files in bash with ruby
Tom, Bom
0 responses
ruby, bash
Ohai plugin to use eth1 on vagrant boxes
Tom Howe
2 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef, ohai