Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Painlessly Remove All Ruby Gems
Milan Roy
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ruby, rails, ruby gems
Best Practices: Testing Rails controllers with RSpec
Ryan Sonnek
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ruby, rails, testing, rspec
Install nokogiri gem on CentOS with prerequesites
Ivan Storck
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ruby, centos, nokogiri
[Capybara] Click in a div/span
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, capybara, rspec, testunit
Redis to redis data copy
Matjaz Muhic
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ruby, redis, restore, dump
Inheriting from: Struct
Ian Rodriguez
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ruby, rails
Create Dynamically classes in Ruby
Boris Barroso
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Switching to boxen ?
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, boxen, github
Lightweight gemsets with rbenv
Rico Sta. Cruz
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ruby, rubygems, gems, rvm
Google URL Shortener API in Ruby
Jésus Lopes
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ruby, rubygems, googl
Reload a single gem dependency source file
Marcello Barnaba
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ruby, rails, hack, trick
quickly build native ruby packages with fpm + rbenv
Sam Halicke
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ruby, rbenv, centos, debian
JSON API response for 'No route matches'
Marvin Marcelo
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ruby, api, json, rails3
Remove ugly #_=_ string from URL when using Facebook OmniAuth
John jensen
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ruby, rails, facebook, js
Backup your Rails DB
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, gem, backup
Custom Log Location in Rails
Stephen Orens
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ruby, rails, logging
Installing rmagick 2.13.1 in MacOS X Mavericks
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ruby, rails, osx, mac
Using .reject with .map in Ruby
Corey Grunewald
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ruby, map, reject
Rails console and `app.get` result in the browser
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ruby, rails, pry
Travis CI - "Don't know how to build task 'default'"
Tom Milewski
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ruby, testing, travis ci, spec
Pretty print JSON responses with curl/ruby
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, curl, json
Rake Progress Bar
Nick DeSteffen
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ruby, rake
Setting up a private ruby gems server
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails, sinatra, ruby gems
Stub any instance with minitest
Vasiliy Ermolovich
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ruby, minitest