Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· sorens

Easy Environment or Config Override in Rails

Do you use a lot of environment variables in your Rails application? Tired of having to set and then change ENV variables in your development environment? Want to do it in Rails instead?


Module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # assign the ENV variable to a config value
    config.test                 = ENV['TEST']


class EnvironmentOverride
  def self.load
    override = File.join( Rails.root, "config", "overrides", "#{Rails.env}.rb" )
    if File.exists? override
      puts "loading override configuration for #{Rails.env}"
      require override

at the end of config/environments/development.rb

MyApp::Application.configure do
  # load the override environment

create config/overrides/development.rb

MyApp::Application.configure do
  # now, you can override your ENV variables
  config.test    ||= true # or whatever you need

restart your server. When you need to change an ENV value, edit your config/overrides/development.rb file and restart your server.

Additionally, I put the config/overrides directory in my .gitignore file so that I don't push my custom settings to my co-workers. This makes a nice place to customize settings for your development setup without the possibility of it reaching other developers. To help new developers, I include a template override file to help give example of how to expand it.

Note: you can do the same thing with the test environment if you so desire.

I know some developers don't find changing their local ENV values to be that burdensome, but I prefer to have as much of the state as possible in the Rails system.