Popular Config Programming Tips
Installing Nginx in Mac OS X Maverick With Homebrew
Reinaldo Aguilera
23 responses
config, nginx, homebrew, maverick
Multiple aliases on every entry of SSH's config file
Antonio Ognio
1 response
aliases, config, ssh, remote
Using mod_evasive to rate-limit Apache
0 responses
config, apache, rate-limiting, mod_evasive
PHP :: Database Connection with file .ini
Everton Silva
4 responses
php, config, database
Quickly Reload ZSH Config / zshrc
Ryan MacLean
0 responses
shell, zsh, config, reload
Make PHP consume unlimited memory
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, config, development, memory_limit
Making a decent postgresql.conf, like a boss
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
config, tuning, wizard, postgresql
Database cleaner, RSpec and Capybara configuration.
Nick Kugaevsky
4 responses
ruby, tdd, config, testing
How to create a separate config file with flask
2 responses
python, config, configuration, flask
Random git commit message thanks to whatthecommit.com
Russell Dempsey
2 responses
config, alias, command line, commit
Sass + Compass compile two different files for development and production environment
Martijn de Valk
4 responses
config, sass, compass, environment
Global git templates (yes, that means hooks)
1 response
config, git
Setting npm proxy settings
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
config, npm, wil boayue, proxy settings
Automatic per-environment config in Node.js
Chris Bumgardner
0 responses
nodejs, config, deploy
Easy Environment or Config Override in Rails
Stephen Orens
0 responses
ruby, rails, config, env
Sourcing custom located .gitconfig file
Abhijeet Sutar
1 response
config, gitconfig, git
switch spaces by tilting your mousewheel in osx
0 responses
config, osx, productivity, mouse
Arduino not connected to serial port, under Linux
0 responses
shell, arduino, config, linux
OSX ssh config hostname autocompletion
Felix Müller
0 responses
config, ssh, protip, autocompletion
Compiling your software to run almost anywhere without ever using root
Rob Jentzema
1 response
config, compile, linux, make
The Z Man
1 response
php, config, error, pclzip
Spread .gitconfig across multiple files for easy sharing
0 responses
config, tip, git, github
Change active window name format on tmux
0 responses
config, tmux
Manage your PATH with a Ruby script, using a single line of Bash
Stephen Benner
0 responses
ruby, shell, config, script
Recent Activity
A simple environment-based config Scala object for a simple app or script
Colin Dean
scala, environment-variables, config
Mac OS X MaverickにHomebrewでNginxをインストールする
config, nginx, homebrew, maverick
SSH Config Setup
ssh, config, ssh_config, development
Sass + Compass compile two different files for development and production environment [Take 3]
Kent Patrick
config, sass, compass
grep config file and show non commented lines only
config, grep, bash
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