Popular Config Programming Tips
Custom git log
Gil Polguère
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config, log, .gitconfig, format
Handle noisy favicon.ico messages in nginx
Oto Brglez
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config, configuration, http, nginx
pretty print erlang config, using the erl_syntax module
Fabian Linzberger
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erlang, config, pretty, escript
Laravel Config Package Override in Workbench
Azri Jamil
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php, config, laravel, package
Runtime Configuration on Node.JS
Vladimir Tsvang, Jr.
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config, npm, rc, nodejs
Set master as the default branch for push and pull
Davide Targa
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config, branch, git, master
Drupal clean urls and lighttpd
Jens Grassel
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config, drupal, lighttpd
a git log with helpfull colors, graphs and compact commit messages
bruno coelho
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config, log, branch, pullrequest
tl;dr - aliases for all those common git commands
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config, alias, git, efficiency
An extensible configuration object
Rui Carmo
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python, config, logging, json
git permalink
Magnus Dahlstrand
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terminal, config, gitconfig, oneline
Mac OS X MaverickにHomebrewでNginxをインストールする
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config, nginx, homebrew, maverick
Smooth push to Gerrit
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gerrit, push, config, git
Useful ssh config
Denis Savitskiy
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config, linux, ssh, administrating
Configuração do CKEditor para caracteres latinos
Paulino Michelazzo
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config, ckeditor, caracteres latinos
ZSH: The most badass config
Eduardo Martines
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shell, zsh, terminal, config
Configure Touchpad of Toshiba Portege Z30 on Debian
Peter Suschlik
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config, tap, debian, mouse
Correct path of default user picture
Robin van der Vleuten
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php, config, drupal, image
Pass config to rebar command
Anton Kalyaev
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erlang, config, rebar, eunit
Best Way to Override Default Configs using jQuery
Tyler Mauthe
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jquery, config, javascript
grep config file and show non commented lines only
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config, grep, bash
Sort your git tags by semver
Bertrand Marron
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config, git, semver
Sqlite3 - better table display in terminal
Marco Cervellin
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config, cli, sqlite3
A simple environment-based config Scala object for a simple app or script
Colin Dean
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scala, environment-variables, config