Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Testing your jQuery in Rails
Enrique Vidal
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rails, jquery, jasmine-jquery, javascript
Prax for ROR in Ubuntu
Vu Manh Cuong
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rails, linux, ubuntu, prax
ActiveSupport's try does not like Ruby's method_missing
Kostas Karachalios
2 responses
ruby, rails, activesupport
Scope Sequences in ActiveRecord
Austin Lin
0 responses
ruby, rails, active record
RSpec stub for certain arguments only
Richard Worrall
1 response
ruby, rails, stubbing, rspec
Underscore Trick in IRB/Rails Console
Eric Raio
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ruby, rails
Custom items per page in Active Admin
Kevin Rankin
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rails, activeadmin
Set a custom redirect limit for Capybara in Rails
Thomas Klemm
0 responses
rails, capybara
Capistrano 3 invoke rake task remotely
Troy Martin
1 response
rails, capistrano, remote, rake
Bundler binstubs makes rbenv rehash go away
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, rbenv
Ruby - Error on install libv8 in os x yosemite
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails, osx, gem
Postgres order by field
Amar Daxini
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mysql, rails, postgres, postgresql
Hamlbars with Ember.js & Rails 3+
Mehul Kar
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rails, emberjs, hamlbars
Coffeescript Private functions scoping, accessing constructor variables and Inheritance
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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coffeescript, rails, class
Logging SQL Statements in Clojure (for JDBC)
0 responses
clojure, mysql, rails, log
Quiet asset pipeline in development
Enrique Vidal
2 responses
ruby, rails
HTTP Caching with ActiveResource
Lacides Charris
0 responses
ruby, rails, caching, active_resource
Vim Git Diff in the Gutter
Rajeev N Bharshetty
2 responses
rails, vim, tip, plugin
Wildcard CORS in RAILS
1 response
ruby, rails, rack, cors
Delocalize (or localize) attributes on Rails with I18n::Alchemy
Patrick Müller
0 responses
ruby, i18n, rails, rails4