Ruby on Rails Development Tips
Rails 4: Validate that an image to upload is unique
Lucia Escanellas
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rails, carrierwave, validators
Query + Proxy Objects for Sweet Data Access
Ben Simpson
1 response
ruby, activerecord, patterns, relational
Rails Vagrant box
Ali Ismayilov
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puppet, rails, vagrant, windows
Missing ENV Variables Return Early
James Martin
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ruby, rails
How to prevent browsers from caching a page in Rails
1 response
rails, browser, cache, controller
Create a Game Instance in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
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ruby, rails, game
Faster Rails-Application start
Michael Koriath
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ruby, rails, capistrano
Manual Polymorphic Creation in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
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ruby, rails, manually, manual
Stub devise authentication in controller specs with multiple scopes
Vlado Cingel
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ruby, rails, devise, rspec
Simple measure of code execution time in Rails console
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ruby, rails, performance, time
redirect to canonical host in Rails 4
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ruby, rails, seo, redirect
Rails testing throwing weird non-application errors?
Corey G
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rails, errors, rspec
Where does Ruby end and Rails begin?
Jacob Elder
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ruby, extensions, rails, active support
Set each method in a module to a module-method via module_function
Gavin Morrice
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ruby, rails, modules, mixins
Keep an eye on your cache keys
Jacob Elder
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ruby, rails, caching, memcached
hstore and Rails Form
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rails, form, hstore, openstruct
Fixing 'The Map doesn't Show up until I refresh' when working with Turbolinks in Ruby on Rails
Hamza Ouaghad
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jquery, rails, google maps, javascript
Convert Active Record array to indexed hash
James Huynh
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ruby, rails, active record
Tail Rails logs production and development
Jayson Mandani
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rails, log, jsonmanz
Multi stage environments for your Rails apps with Ansible
Verónica Rebagliatte
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Ruby on Rails with AngularJS: "Argument [...] is not a function, got undefined"
Sebastian Muszyński
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rails, error, angular, angularjs
Rake task to call a Rails controller method
1 response
rails, controller, rake
Rails Development Reload
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, rails, development, reload
Active Record migration types
Jeremy Bertrand
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rails, active record, migration, types