Ruby on Rails Development Tips
Carrierwave-Rails start a download without iframe/javascript hacks
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, download, files, javascript
Rails before_render filter
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, rails
Use a default Schema with the activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter gem
Ralph Rooding
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ruby, rails, oracle, schema
Ruby hashes and "try"
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, rails, hash
Avoiding repeated query variables
Amy Lai
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rails, query
Serving protected static content using nginx for speed and Rails server for authentication
Samuel Chow
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ruby, rails, nginx, thin
Set default Heroku App
Abhishek Srivastava
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Working With Angular, Yeoman, and Rails
Jordan Yaker
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rails, coding, yeoman
What to test in a Rails app?
Trung Lê
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ruby, rails, testing
Using arel_table for ILIKE (yes, even with integers)
Sam Slotsky
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rails, arel_table, ilike
Page reload / refresh every 5 sec using Turbolinks - JS, Rails, JQuery
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rails, reload, javascript, turbolinks
Showing errors messages in Rails 4
Leonardo Faria
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rails, helpers
Last DAY to save on WindyCityRails tickets!
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ruby, rails, programming, coding
Empty strings and ternary operators
Stéphane Maniaci
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ruby, rails, ror, string
WindyCityRails Tech Conference
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ruby, rails, development, coding
Sass retina image mixin
Scott Greenwald
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css, rails, sass
How to truncate a string that's Markdown format
Vu Manh Cuong
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rails, markdown, truncate
Declarative Authorization Attribute Check
Dustin Hoffman
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ruby, rails, gem, access control
Build Rest APIs with Rails
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rails, api, json, tutorial
A Sane database.yml
Brandon Hansen
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rails, postgres, database
Lite Markdown cheat sheet
Vu Manh Cuong
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rails, markdown, cheatsheet
Multiple HABTM associations between 2 models in Rails
Ali Ismayilov
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rails, activerecord, models, multiple
How to stub save but run the callbacks in the ActiveRecord
Vojtěch Kusý
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activerecord, rails, rspec
How to Hide Your ActiveAdmin Path
Daniel P. Clark
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rails, activeadmin, random, secure
Prax for ROR in Ubuntu
Vu Manh Cuong
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rails, linux, ubuntu, prax