Ruby on Rails Development Tips
Random record for all ActiveRecord model.
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ruby, rails, activerecord
ClojureScript build on Heroku
Aleš Roubíček
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clojure, heroku, clojurescript, deploy
Better Rails Logging (user_id, remote_ip) with Lograge on Heroku
Rafael Oliveira
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rails, heroku, logging
Using Rails Migrations to Manipulate Data
Ryan Sonnek
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ruby, rails, database
When `heroku ps` shows no processes, reset the scaling with `heroku ps:scale web=1`
Colin Dean
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heroku, logs, ps, process
Create a Rails app without ActiveRecord
Jason Humphries
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ruby, rails, activerecord, mongodb
Easily switch user without login, logout
Vinh Nguyen Le
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rails, vinhnguyenleasnet
Tus logs no son sólo para debuguear
Elías Matheus
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heroku, logs, logentries
Setup Ruby On Rails on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (link)
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ruby, rails, osx, setup
Flush Sidekiq's Redis DB
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rails, redis, sidekiq
Offline Template Renderer for Rails Rake Tasks or Background Worker
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails, rake, offline
One line download of your apps latest Heroku PG backup
Mike Hall
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heroku, postgres, wget
Debug the filter chain of a controller
Michael Kohl
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rails, controller, filter
Docker + Fig + Rails on OS X
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rails, osx, docker
Faker ‒ Ruby gem for populating a testing database
Honza Hejzl
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ruby, rails, gems, sinatra
Rails Date Search Using Ruby's Range Class
Efren Aguirre
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ruby, rails, search, date
Get rid of the Mongoid translation missing errors (Mongoid 4.0 & Rails 4.0)
Pablo Torrecilla
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ruby, rails, mongoid, i18n
Rails Rendering Format Priorities
Ben Richardson
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ruby, rails, slim
Add exceptions to Rails pluralization
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rails, inflector
Deploying a Flask App at Heroku
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heroku, flask, git, python
Smart params matcher for Rails
Vojtěch Kusý
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ruby, rails, helper, parameters
Set up a PostgreSQL database for a Rails Application
Bui The Hoa
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rails, postgresql
Easily keep track of rails' relationship count with counter_cache
Dimitri Jorge
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ruby, rails, activerecord, counter_cache
Case statement for Rails Enum
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ruby, rails, rails 4.1