Ruby on Rails Development Tips
One liner to install nginx with Phusion Passenger
Kaustubh Padegaonkar
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ruby, rails, nginx, oneliner
Heroku: deploy and migrate with one command
Johnny Rodgers
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rails, heroku
Copy postgres databases between Heroku apps.
3 responses
heroku, postgres rails
Add ActiveRecord scopes to Ctags
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rails, activerecord, ctags
More caveats on ActionController::Live
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rails, exception, live
How to integrate WebComponents(And other assets) into Rails 4
Fabián Heredia Montiel
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ruby, rails, bower, webcomponents
Fix Qt Webkit on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite
Christian Schlensker
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rails, homebrew, qt, selenium
Active Admin solution for ForbiddenAttributes
Ahmed Nadar
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ruby, rails, active_admin
RSpec: allow vs expect
Vu Manh Cuong
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ruby, rails, expect, allow
Enable Heroku Postgresql autovacuum
Rafael Souza
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heroku, postgresql
Better Country Selectors in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
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rails, dropdown, search
Most Common Mistake on Legacy Rails Apps
Ezequiel Delpero
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ruby, rails, ror
Lower the Default ActiveRecord Connection Pool for Heroku Postgres
Dan Croak
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ruby, heroku, postgres
Using RSpec in Rails generators
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ruby, rails
erb2slim - Convert ERB to Slim
James Duncombe
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rails, haml, slim, erb
Handling Large Javascript Files With Turbolinks
Adam Becker
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rails, javascript, turbolinks
Using Postgres Regex expressions to find very specific matches
Mike Hall
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rails, sql, regex, postgres
Transactions and Database Setup for Capybara feature specs
Alexander Tamoykin
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ruby, rails, capybara, database
Controller basics
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ruby, rails, ruby basics
Testing Rails app with drone
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ruby, rails, ubuntu, continuous integration
Documentation for Rails 3/4 remote links
Johnny Rodgers
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rails, unobtrusive javascript
Simple Ajax calls in Rails
Sebastián González
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rails, ajax
Unicorn + Nginx setup with SSL
Carlos Andres Herrera
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rails, nginx, unicorn, ssl
Chain Rails scopes with OR
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, rails
Render Markdown inside your Haml files
David Morrow
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rails, haml, markdown