Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Python PIP.
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Simple Image/File Uploader in Django
David Wong
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python, django, image, upload
easily serve files via HTTP
William McVey
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python, linux, ubuntu
Radio Paradise command line tool
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python, entertainment
Querying Google Sites API can result in partial results.
Alex Hart
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python, google, api, appengine
The reusable Django application for Telegram authorization (also known as Telegram login).
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python, django, open source, github
PSA: Namespaces
Zachary Voase
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python, design, namespaces
Execute code if your node.js script is run from the command line
Evan Hensleigh
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javascript, python, nodejs
EmeraldBox's First Mini Tutorial
Fauzan Emmerling
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python, tutorial, emeraldbox
python has xor operator as !=
karan ahuja
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Function composition in python
Ross Delinger
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python, functions, functional
Tweet from terminal
Alexandru G.
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python, terminal, twitter
Pretty print JSON
Mark van Cuijk
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python, json
OpenWRT + Xunlei
Zhang Tai
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python, wrt
Python Logging
Harshniket Seta
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python, logging
A check for installed Python library
Rendy Tan Keok Song
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python, library, install
Django OR querysets
Hatem Nassrat
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python, django
Postage - a RabbitMQ-based Component Python Library
Leonardo Giordani
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python, rabbitmq, concurrent programming, github
Use inotify to respond to filesystem events
Spencer Williams
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ruby, python, linux, java
In case you can't reach PyPi...
Thomas Kober
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python, pip, pypi, python package index
Simple static HTTP server with Python
Endel Dreyer
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python, http, server
Django Email Authentication Backend
andrea mucci
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python, authentication, dango, backend
Go mobile on Django
Oscar M.
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python, mobile, django
Print readable format of unix timestamp
Bryan Hughes
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python, unix, timestamp