Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Changelog generation plugin for mercurial
Kamil Michalak
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python, open source
Faster install of Python dependencies
Rodrigo Chacon
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python, pip, zip, git
Jetson TK1 development kit for visual computing
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
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python, programming, adrianoguerreiro, cuda
Fabric for configuration changing
Vadim Lopatyuk
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python, script, django, fabric
How to install python package on windows?
poseidon sg
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python, stackoverflow
Optimizing python code
Lee Penkman
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python, performance, code review
Find the first item in a list
Stefan Arentz
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Django: Parse urls from a block of text
Owais Lone
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python, parse, django, urls
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python, flask, gae, tipfy
node-static is faster than python simple http server
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python, node, javascript
South migrations are not dumping grounds for content control
Becky Lewis
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python, django, south
Instant webserver in one command
Jasson Cascante
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python, command line, webserver
One-time password for SSH
Ziyan Zhou
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python, ssh, otp
TAL code for making rows
Chrissy Wainwright
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python, html, tal, template
Understanding Python variables and Memory Management
Sreejith Kesavan
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python, variables, memory management, c
Automatic wiring & schematic creation tool for programmer
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php, python, raspberrypi, apache
A great tip for finding the brute force solution to a problem
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brute force solution, stair step problem recursively, java, c++
Prepopulating Forms with get values in Django
Gerald Goh
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python, django, views
Simple webserver in seconds
Kristján Oddsson
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python, macosx, linux, mac
The Django book
Mariz Melo
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python, django
Python .parameterize equivalent to Rails .parameterize
Vinicius Quaiato
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python, string, url, python3
with and assertRaises
Jeff Clark
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python, unit-test
Flask - Split
Theodore Tanner Jr.
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github, python, fask