Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Determining if a problem can be solved using dynamic programming....
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dynamic programming, java, python, subproblems
range or xrange?
0 responses
python, performance, range, xrange
Get all Instance objects from Reservations
Mitch Garnaat
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python, ec2, boto
Relative imports in Python
Kiran Gangadharan
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python, import
Github backup script onliner
Ross Delinger
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github, python, oneliner, insanity
pip and virtualenv
Кирилл Сумороков
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python, pip, virtualenv
Turn any working directory into an instant file server with python
Dylan Grafmyre
4 responses
python, python3, simplehttpserver, http.server
The Best Free Python Books
Irakli Nadareishvili
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python, django, free, books
Read & Write to compressed files
Lars Van Casteren
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python, compression
Estimate how much longer a MySQL ALTER will take
Chris Henry
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python, mysql
Serving static pages, quick and dirty
Federico Panico
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python, apache, quick_and_dirty
If you have your PIL installed by pip and still no png support...
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python, png, pil, zlib
Web Scrapping with Python
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
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python, slideshare, web scrapping, web crawling
Sublime Python - Exclude build directory
Areski Belaid
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python, sublime
Syncing multiple Django databases in Visual Studio 2013
#5 Robsta
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python, django, visual studio, windows
A Python programmer’s first impression of CoffeeScript
Stephan Sokolow
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coffeescript, python, reference
Building Jenkins on multiple servers
Kostas Demiris
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python, automation, jenkins
Fetching Remote Git Repo with Python: In a few lines of codes
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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python, repo, fetch, git
Image optimizations
Josh Benham
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python, cli, images, optimize
Plug and play administration panel for web frameworks
Endel Dreyer
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php, python, rails, administration
Pattern is RAD
Anthony Nyström
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python, web, mining
Jenkinz is a Jenkins OSX system tray application
Thijs de Zoute
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python, osx, opensource, system tray
Pretty Print any JSON from the CLI
Jason Whaley
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python, cli, json
How to search for strings on uncommented Python lines using a Bash function
0 responses
python, grep, unix, bash