Challenge driven software developer.
Code for fun and living. Play rhythms,.
Joined March 2012

Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
Introduction to REDIS NoSQL data store
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
python, slideshare, redis, nosql
CppUnit - Step by step example.
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
cpp, unit tests, cppunit
Debugging GTK+ critical warnings.
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
gcc, gdb, gtk, c
Git rebase
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
scm, repository, git
Web Scrapping with Python
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
0 responses
python, slideshare, web scrapping, web crawling
77 Karma
5,103 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language