Popular Nosql Programming Tips
Restore a MongoDB database(mongorestore)
Guilio Karadanais - sativaware.co.za
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mongodb, nosql, mongorestore, dev-ops
Node.js + MongoDB = MongoJS
Bob Williams
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mongodb, nosql, javascript, nodejs
Optimizing Mongo Object Ids
Adam Chambers
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Hosted ElasticSearch
Felipe Lavín Z.
3 responses
search, nosql, elasticsearch, paas
Real time analytics with Elasticsearch and Kibana3
Laurent Broudoux
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VB.Net - Mongodb Kullanımı
Berat Bilgin
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mongodb, nosql
Near-Realtime Analytics w/ MongoDB, Node.js & SmoothieCharts
Tobias Trelle
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node, mongodb, javascript, nosql
Lightweight Replica Set nodes w/ MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
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mongodb, nosql
EclipseLink for MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
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mongodb, nosql, jpa, java
MongoLite - NoSql implemented in Php (+Sqlite)
1 response
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Clinton Gormley
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CouchRest::Model views errors with RSpec
Luca Guidi
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ruby, tdd, nosql, bdd
Use Postgres hstore to store schema-less data
Matthew Dobson
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Jongo - a new object/document mapper for MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
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nosql, java, mongodb
Klout Data Architecture
Bob Williams
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database, architecture, hadoop, hive
Accessing MongoDB w/ Ruby
Tobias Trelle
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ruby, mongodb, nosql
Lightweight MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
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Edda: a log visualizer for MongoDB
Felipe Forbeck
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Firebrand OCM, a new Cassandra Library
Raúl Raja
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How to access MongoDB with Spring Batch
Tobias Trelle
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Couchdb : Adding Document Using Java Couchdb4j
Sandeep Kumar Patel
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nosql, java, couch db
CouchDB Pagination
Nedim Arabacı
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nosql, couchdb, pagination
NoSQL Tapes Videos
Alex Indigo
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how to disable RavenDB's caching
0 responses
sql, nosql, ravendb
JSONiq - the JSON Query Language
Tobias Trelle
0 responses
nosql, json, jsoniq
Recent Activity
Replacing the aggregation in search of events
Kelly Costa
mongodb, nosql, indexes, aggregation
Test Automation for NoSQL Databases
Tobias Trelle
nosql, testing, junit, databases
Near-Realtime Analytics w/ MongoDB, Node.js & SmoothieCharts
Tobias Trelle
node, mongodb, javascript, nosql
EclipseLink for MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
mongodb, nosql, jpa, java
Lightweight Replica Set nodes w/ MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
mongodb, nosql
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