Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
REPL Workflow
David Kormushoff
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ruby, workflow, repl, python
Github-Coderwall Badges Fix
charalampos papaloizou
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python, coderwall, badges, selenium
bbcli - browse BBC News in the command line.
Wesley Hill
1 response
python, terminal, cli, unix
Installing mac apps in a giffy. With AlfredApp.
Alex Wolkov
2 responses
python, osx, alfred, alfred app
Integrating rvm with virtualenv
Jorge Dias
0 responses
ruby, python, rvm, virtualenv
Rebuild sphinx docs when a source file is modified
Kevin Ndung'u
0 responses
python, documentation, sphinx, rerun
Glances is a CLI curses based monitoring tool for GNU/Linux or BSD OS.
Frank Müller
0 responses
python, monitoring
Create Python Virtual Environment Without Installing Virtualenv Into Your Global System
Fauzan Emmerling
0 responses
python, productivity, virtual, environment
Getting Started with IPython
0 responses
python, aws, ipython
Don't see runserver python outputs in terminal!
Mohammad Taleb
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python, terminal, buffer, runserver
Any Optimization from Practice Is Much Harder
0 responses
python, optimization
Querying pivotal tracker from command-line
Lorin Hochstein
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python, pivotal tracker
Crowdcrafting stack
Daniel Lombraña González
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python, redis, stack, cache
Quickly activate a virtualenv
Shrayas Rajagopal
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python, shell, unix, virtualenv
Remove pyc and swp files recursively
Ellison Leão
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python, script, bash, clean
A smart `cd` for your Python project
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python, shell, zsh, virtualenv
Get the used memory in python
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python, memory, performances
Pin Your Packages
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
python, development, pip, deployment
Fixing "getheader() only accepts 2 arguments, 3 given" on Google App Engine
Alex Hart
0 responses
python, google, engine, http
Porting to Python 3
Federico Scrinzi
0 responses
compile, python3, python, porting
7 Python Libraries you should know about
Carlos Nasillo
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python, libraries
PyGTK Tab-Completion
Stephan Sokolow
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python, pygtk
Twitter desde python
Jorge Andrade
0 responses
python, twitter
Enabling dict comprehension in SublimeLinter
Simon Coulton
0 responses
python, sublime text