Popular Prototype Programming Tips
How to check if JavaScript Object is empty
Kyle Ross
18 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, isempty
Simple & Pure JavaScript Array.unique method with 5 lines of code
Tamer Shlash
3 responses
prototype, array, unique, javascript
Difference Between 2 JavaScript Arrays
Lee Crossley
0 responses
diff, js, prototype, array
The prototype is your friend (if you care about perf)
Dan Tao
17 responses
performance, prototype, javascript
A simple format Date function using Javascript prototype
Clauber Stipkovic
3 responses
prototype, format, date, javascript
Using a Closure to Organize Prototype Declarations
Joseph Dalrymple
3 responses
prototype, object, object-oriented, class
Easily Extend Javascript Prototypes
David Morrow
3 responses
prototype, javascript
Undescorize, Dasherize, Capitalize String Prototype
0 responses
string, capitalize, prototype, javascript
Javascript string trimming in IE8--
Josh Gum
0 responses
ie8, prototype, utility, javascript
Partial application in JavaScript with 'bind'
Mark Dalgleish
0 responses
nodejs, prototype, bind, javascript
JavaScript: Assign value to object from string
Josey Morton
3 responses
prototype, object, javascript
Capitalize string (even latin names)
Bruno "Clef"
0 responses
string, capitalize, prototype, enhancement
Understanding javascript prototype and prototype chain proces
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, chain
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
prototype, object, javascript, hashmap
Wireframe.cc - minimal wireframing tool
0 responses
prototype, wireframe
serve static html (e.g. prototype) with rack
Alexis Reigel
4 responses
ruby, html, rack, prototype
jQuery instead of Prototype in Rails 3
Sandeep Kumar
1 response
rails, rails 3, prototype, jquery
Cedric Ruiz
0 responses
functions, prototype, javascript, extend
Ajax in magento
Maciej Kossuda
0 responses
php, magento, prototype, modman
Placeholder images
Mariz Melo
0 responses
css, html, images, prototype
Attaching JavaScript functions to prototype vs Object instances
0 responses
prototype, object, javascript
How to explain to a PHP developer the Prototype in JavaScript
0 responses
php, js, prototype
Convert a Constructor function to a regular function that can be called without new
Hasen el Judy
1 response
prototype, javascript
JavaScript Prototype Tip
2 responses
js, prototype
Back to basics: prototypal inheritance
0 responses
javascript, inheritance, prototype, object.create
Displaying all 25 tips
Recent Activity
Back to basics: prototypal inheritance
javascript, inheritance, prototype, object.create
Difference Between 2 JavaScript Arrays
Lee Crossley
diff, js, prototype, array
Simple & Pure JavaScript Array.unique method with 5 lines of code
Tamer Shlash
prototype, array, unique, javascript
Convert a Constructor function to a regular function that can be called without new
Hasen el Judy
prototype, javascript
Easily Extend Javascript Prototypes
David Morrow
prototype, javascript
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