Newest P Hp Programming Tips
Shim your PHP Fog env_vars into AppFog
Richard Howard
0 responses
php, frameworks, phpfog, appfog
Compile and run programs online
Mariz Melo
2 responses
ruby, php, python, awk
Awesome resource for PHP
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, resource
Lower case all request query parameter keys in a Silex application
Raphael Stolt
0 responses
php, silex, symfony2
Symfony2 translating flash messages
Toni Uebernickel
1 response
php, symfony2
PHP Object JSON representation
Abimael Martell
0 responses
php, json, object
PHP the right way
Mariz Melo
3 responses
Associative table new and old values
Shayne Statzell AKT
0 responses
php, mysql, associative db
How Facebook organizes its XHP code
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, security, open source, xhp
Sync your static files in git with S3
Alon Pe'er
0 responses
php, s3, git, static files
Redefine default Monstra component
Sergey Romanenko
0 responses
php, cms, monstra
PHP Cache with register_shutdown_function()
Federico Ulfo
0 responses
php, cache, performances, minify
Linking a Wordpress menu entry to the latest post
Matteo Rosati
0 responses
php, blog, weblog, wordpress
SEO Friendly URLs with a Zend Filter
Stefano Torresi
0 responses
php, zend framework, zf1
Retrieve user IP address
Maikel Daloo
4 responses
php, ip, ip address
[PHP] Convert Array to Object
Abimael Martell
0 responses
php, array, object
Get photos from Google Picasa web albums
Dmitriy Tkach
0 responses
php, picasa
Homebrew and Composer
Hisateru Tanaka
0 responses
php, homebrew, composer
PHP - Convert mixed array & objects recursively
Jason Oakley
6 responses
php, objects, oo, procedural
Drupal 7 dB abstraction layer pager rendering
Josh Beauregard
0 responses
php, drupal, ui, database
PHP Netbeans auto-indent
Federico Ulfo
2 responses
php, netbeans