Symfony2 translating flash messages
Using $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->set('success', 'your.translation.key');
is just so wrong.
If you are doing it that way, you possibly got a template reading something like this (from MopaBootstrapBundle
{% macro flash(type, message, close, use_raw, class, domain) %}
<div class="alert{{ type ? ' alert-'~type : '' }} fade in {{ class|default('') }}">
{% if close|default(false) %}
<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">×</a>
{% endif %}
{% if use_raw|default(false) %}
{{ message|trans({}, domain|default('messages'))|raw }}
{% else %}
{{ message|trans({}, domain|default('messages')) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
What's wrong about that? How do you translate a pluralized message? This would be something like $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->set('success', $this->get('translator')->transChoice('your.translation.key', $number, $parameters));
In this case, your template will "translate" a non-existing key: the translation result of your.translation.key
- Stop passing in the translation key as a flash message.
- Pass in the translated message.
- Avoid translating non-existent translation keys.
- Clean code, clean applications, clean behaviors.
Written by Toni Uebernickel
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1 Response

I rather thoroughly agree with this post. Encountering a problem with the build of FOSUserBundle I'm using. Passing in the translation key rather than the translation makes it difficult to present the flash from a high-level template, shared by other bundles.
Interestingly enough, this thread didn't elicit this observation:
That thread was closed, but I included my solution to that particular problem, if somebody else is google'ing for help.