Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Grunt meets phpunit
Marco Bunge
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Sublime Text 3 is now available for everyone to try
Nicholas Jordon
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Twig Filter Escaping
Rhodri Pugh
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php, twig
Debugging with XDebug and PhpStorm on MacOS X
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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Sync your static files in git with S3
Alon Pe'er
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sum with idiorm
angel torralba duran
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Doctrine Huge Collections Performance Tip
Tomasz Ślązok
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Recursive function for flattening arrays
Nikko Bautista
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Mock magic method for ZendFramework 1.x Zend_Log
Ryan Geyer
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Making your PHP 5.4+ code compatible with PHP 5.3
Endel Dreyer
0 responses
php, tool, version, downgrade
Discoverable pretty print (PHP)
Willem van der Jagt
0 responses
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PIMF Quick Starters
Gjero Krsteski
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IOS WebApp & Symfony 1.4 Session
Miguel Montes Porras
0 responses
php, webapp, symfony
POSTing to Rails apps with PHP and duct tape
0 responses
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Bash one-liner to install Composer for Mac/Linux
Ryan Parman
0 responses
php, composer, bash
Move Wordpress Custom Post Type Menu Into Settings
Dustin Fadler
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php, ui, wordpress
A little more than simpleXML hack
Thomas Lackemann
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php, xml
Laravel 4: Routes and Controllers
Amanpreet Singh
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php, laravel, laravel 4
Install Emacs PHP mode on Ubuntu
Gustavo Gómez
0 responses
php, emacs, ubuntu
Run a specific set of PHPUnit scripts at once
Luke Madhanga
1 response
php, shellscript, bash, phpunit
Less slow, case-insensitive, XPath lookups in PHP
Ryan Parman
0 responses
php, xml, xpath, translate
lazy-assets: An opinionated and simple build-system
Endel Dreyer
1 response
php, css, frontend, javascript
Optimize php: Put php session files in the ram for more performance.
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
php, linux, performance, unix
Adding custom logger : apache
Madhu GB
0 responses
php, linux, debugging, apache log